We are the HUB for meaningful and purpose-driven projects, startups, entrepreneurs and businesses. We prototype and bolster new ways of doing business, innovation and sustainability hand in hand. What you do matters!

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We believe technology and innovation should help people and society to live a radically better life in all aspects. We steer
Tech for Good & modern Social Business in a regional context and local environment.

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  • IČO: 42362733 (môžete si overiť našu registráciu v centrálnom zozname Notárskej komory SR)
  • Právna forma: občianske združenie podľa zákona č. 83/1990 Zb. o združovaní občanov v znení neskorších predpisov
  • Názov prijímateľa: HUBBA, o.z.
  • Sídlo: Hviezdoslavovo nám. 20, 811 02 Bratislava

A few words about our HUB

Our lively and diverse community is made up of entrepreneurs, startupers, freelancers, campaigners, creatives, NGOs, corporates and investors. Joining our growing community of members will inspire and enable you to develop your best work every step of the way. Impact HUB offers you a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to develop the impact and purpose of your work and business. The magic happens at Impact Hub, where all elements combine to bring your ideas to life. It is the community and collaboration that matters!

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Our strategic partners

Telekom through the Telekom Endowment Fund (Nadačný fond Telekom) acts as one of the most active and long-term supporters of meaningful ideas, projects and social innovations on the Slovak market. For many years, the Telekom Endowment Fund has been involved in the deaf community in Slovakia with a broad spread of projects and activities. Besides that, it actively supports activities and projects dealing with inclusive approach in services, community development and revitalization of historical heritage, social and education innovations and corporate philanthropy in Slovakia.
ZSE Group is among the Slovak leaders in responsible business. This means not only the company´s actions in utilities sector but also in relationship to local communities and surrounding environment. The company considers it very important to motivate people to be active and to contribute with their activities to making our world a better place. ZSE through ZSE Foundation supports education, innovation, environmental protection and community development as its main program priorities of the foundation.

We are part of a Global Network

Impact Hub Bratislava is part of a global network and ecosystem that connects Bratislava internationally to resources, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to grow your business with impact. When travelling, you can work from another Impact HUB and immediately feel at home by connecting through the Impact Hub community. Each community has its own flavour, responding to the needs of the entrepreneurs locally. Step into any one of our Impact Hubs worldwide and immerse yourself in the local experience of a global network.

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